Education Research Group

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Jonathan San Diego
  • President
  • 3/16/2024
  • 6/28/2025
  • British Division
Laura Gartshore
  • President-elect
  • 3/16/2024
  • 6/28/2025
  • British Division
Alexandra Pierre-Bez
  • Vice-president
  • 3/16/2024
  • 6/28/2025
  • American Division
Rohit Kunnath Menon
  • Regional Representative
  • 3/16/2024
  • 3/28/2026
  • United Arab Emirates Section
Se-Lim Oh
  • Regional Representative
  • 6/24/2023
  • 3/15/2025
  • American Division
Martin Zemel
  • Regional Representative
  • 6/24/2023
  • 3/15/2025
  • Argentine Division
Man Hung
  • Focused Learning Session Organizer (IADR/AADOCR Meetings)
  • 3/16/2024
  • 6/28/2025
  • American Division
Man Hung
  • Secretary/Treasurer
  • 3/16/2024
  • 6/28/2025
  • American Division
Michael Botelho
  • Immediate Past President
  • 3/16/2024
  • 6/28/2025
  • Southeast Asian Division
Faith Campbell
  • Student Representative
  • 3/16/2024
  • 3/28/2026
  • British Division
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